We have been supplying goods from our website since 1999 and have supplied customers all over the world. As a mark of our standing and integrity, please take a few minutes to check the Where We Have Shipped, Cutlery Feedback, Pocket Knife Feedback & Bowie Knife Feedback pages. This feedback has arrived, unsolicited, over the years.
R. P. Day & Co. are the operators of the web site Sheffield On The Internet at www.SheffieldOnTheInternet.co.uk, a site which was established in 1995. This cutlery site grew out an offshoot from the Sheffield site and we have been delighted to be able to supply top quality Sheffield cutlery around the world.
Your order for products available from this site will be sent to
R. P. Day & Co
15 Tunwell Greave
South Yorkshire
S5 9GB
You may telephone your order here to UK 44 114 2467240.
Within the UK simply dial 0114 2467240 or Fax us on UK 44 114 2467240.
Within the UK 0114 2467240.
Orders can be e-mailed to Sales@SteelCityCutlery.com or completed via the shopping cart.
R. P. Day & Co. will pass your order to the manufacturers as soon as possible.
We do not have any showroom, agents, brochures, catalogues or leaflets that we can refer to you. By avoiding all costs associated with these, we are able to keep our prices lower.